
FW: SWEET PEA FARM UPDATE - the morning after



From: Stacy Murphy [mailto:hppsco@optonline.net]
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 11:53 AM
To: Abbie Zuidema; alwhitedot@optonline.net; Amy Ferraro; Andrea Hutter; Anne and Luke Williams (burntcove@verizon.net); Anne Davis (annekdavis@hotmail.com); ashby@ashbysedibles.com; Barbera Curry (bcurryjames@optonline.net); Billsmwct@aol.com; rmurc2@aol.com
Subject: SWEET PEA FARM UPDATE - the morning after


December, 20, 2007


Here we are a couple days later.


I continue to have wonderful support from friends and neighbors, all willing to lend a hand, pulling me aside for meals with them, and help start the re-building of the property. I wouldn’t be able to get along without all these people in my life. It is an overwhelming situation – I go in and out of feeling strong and “I can get through this” to, I am just sick with sadness at the devastation and never ending smell of charred wood. It is reminiscent of my firefighting days, and permeates the house, your clothing, stays in your hair for the entire day.


I have been meeting with the Insurance Co, the Fire Marshall, and an assortment of contractors already, I just want to try and keep the wheels churning forward continually if I can.


My busy week of Christmas work is coming up, and I know all things will stop during this period of time.


Many of you have asked what the cause of the fire was….it appears to be the little bucket heater, which was installed properly and rated for its usage for their water bucket. I was apprehensive when I installed it, I should have listened to my gut.


Please make sure all your insurance policies are up to date, and give all your critters and everyone you know a big hug. You never know what is around the corner…..


I will get a new garage, it will be better than my old garage, and Willie and Rosie will have a new house. Right now people are showing up to try and contain Willie and Rosie so no coyotes will become interested. A temporary fencing will be strung across their meadow along the back of the garage.


Photos will continue to ensue during the remodeling and construction process.


To all who are helping with a lending hand, either in person, prayer or email, “we” all thank you from the bottom of our hearts.



Sweet Pea Farm

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