

It is a few days before Christmas, and look at all the “elves” at work!

I asked for help, and Santa provided me with wonderful “gifts” and they didn’t come in a box.

Actually, it is now a few days after Christmas, and I am just now getting out the pictures from the shed raising party for Willie and Rosie!

All in all, we had about 40 people come through, to help build ( ok, let’s face it – snap together) the shed, cook, EAT (oh my g—d there was so much FOOD!), laugh, and just be merry together! What a wonderful crowd – with our buddy Howard leading the pack! He has the same shed at home, so I asked if he would be available to help, and there he was, on the scene – no wonder he is a stage hand – he knows what he is doing, and it shows – the shed and shed floor were level and put together complete in about 2 hours!

Both Willie and Rosie were very worried at first – baaaing to me constantly – they settled down, and then befriended all who entered their meadow, and eventually were quite interested in the entire process.  Wille exerted his manliness at one point and decided to STAND right on top of the platform which was the shed floor, just to show everyone who is boss. He has horn buds now, so – all the men backed away. Willie, gloating and satisfied with his results, was able to be coaxed back off the platform, and the work resumed.

The work completed, Ash and I had the honors of adding the hay – but not without a small attempt at a hay throwing “pie in the face” contest with each other. As you can see by the rest of the pics – there was a lot of “pranks” and laughter going around!!!!!

Willie and Rosie watched with great interest – especially when I started adding their new food buckets and alfalfa bales. I called to them, they entered their new home, sniffed around, and laid down. There was a sigh of relief from them, and from me. In the few days since the fire, they were quite needy and upset. I would get up in the middle of the night, to see them wandering aimlessly around and around the meadow, looking for a safe shelter to bed in. (they weren’t sleeping, and neither was I after the fire) They missed their stall, which was a burnt crumbled mess. I had temporarily strung a tarp from the fence from corner to corner and threw down hay to shelter them from the rain and sleet. But this was not their “house” and they knew it. Now, they had a house, and they were content, and so was I.

The party was a big success, I owe a deep thanks of appreciation to all who came, participated, and showed up to provide me with emotional support and good cheer!

It rained heavily that night – I was at ease knowing Willie and Rosie had a leak proof roof over their heads – and they were in their shed during the rainstorm – safe and dry.

Wille was feeling quite secure and spunky on Christmas morning – jumping and leaping – he jumps and kicks his heals in the air now – clearing all four hooves – a little bouncing cottonball – WITH HORNS. Trust me, they hurt, especially when they whack you in the side of the knee. It is a game with Willie, I say “NO”, he paws the ground. DON’T turn your back on him, you’ll be sorry! I have taken up a habit of carrying a squirt gun sprayer with me when I go into their meadow. Willie doesn’t like the spritzing, and knows it means “NO”.

He is back to his normal self – Rosie tolerates him – occasionally rolling her eyes at me – as he can be “SOooo obnoxious” she seems to say – if he gets into a butting charging tiff- she will actually put herself in between Willie and I, blocking his way from hitting me with his head. She will even go so far as to jump on him, to make him run away. Occasionally, she will “clunk” heads with him, just to keep him in line. Ouch – it sounds like coconuts banging together – I don’t know how she does it!

Willie gave me his traditional “And a GOOD MORNING to you!” head butt on Christmas am first thing as I fed them – things are getting back to normal!……….

Thank you for making this the best Christmas I have ever had….love to all.

I am working on a blog – insisted upon by my 32yr. old sister – stay tuned!

Sweet Pea Farm