
                                          Sweet Pea Farm

March 26, 2010

Ok. I have had enough of March 2010. I have never seen a month like this – wow – crazy!
In the beginning 2 weeks. We had snow. Lots of it. Remember? I have pictures to “remind” us all of the winter that wouldn’t leave! Willie, Rosie, Chile Pepper and Nicholas thought it was great fun – they love the snow – with their wooly coats are seemingly impervious to the snowflakes that fall on them. They love to “help out” and stick their noses in the camera to see what I am doing AT ALL TIMES!

The next 2 weeks of March provided us with 65 and 70 degree weather. All the snow melted. It was glorious sunshine and beautiful deep blue skies. The Spring peepers came out and were reminding me Spring is definitely here! It was March 15th and 72 degrees. What strange weather! The crocus and other flowers were emerging from their long winter nap, pushing their tiny buds up to the glorious warm sun overhead. I was given 2 dozen beautiful tulips by my boyfriend to show me the beauty and color of Spring!

Then along came the famous saying “March in like a Lion, out like a lamb”. We had a terrible storm. Over 8 inches of rain. Horrible winds. Flooding. Power lines down. Trees crashing and breaking. Some of my HPPSCO clients had no power for 5 days. National State of Emergency declared. HPPSCO rolled out the HUMMER to respond to the many clients that needed me to get to their homes and pets in their absence.  I have rarely seen such damage on such a scale of magnitude in over 30 years of servicing this area! There were so many trees and power lines down over such a large area of towns, there was not enough power utility people, fireman or police to respond to it all. Trees, power poles, and power lines lay unattended in the streets and across roads for days. My pictures show only some of the damage – there was just too much to record.

I have been “busy” in the kitchen! I have been baking up a storm at Sweet Pea Farm – formulating and producing organic dog/people cookies. Soon I hope to distribute this product nationally! Many of you have ordered a bag or too – read all about it in my BAKE SHOPPE section of my www.sweet pea farm.net web site – or find me on FACEBOOK. People can eat these cookies – and if you decide – perhaps give one or 2 to your dog! Their addicting – try a batch today! Email me, I will send you a free sample! We also have a few other organic products being featured in our bake shoppe – take a peek!

Sweet Pea Farm has added “THE GIRLS” again! I am proud to say we have 6 Auracana chickens  - 10 months of age that arrived around Valentines Day to grace the farm with their presence! They are adorable – all they want is to be petted, strut their stuff across the yard, and lay eggs – which many of you know we sell – deliver or SHIP.  Very often you will see their little behinds strutting across the meadow. It is a common site – yup – butts. Take a peak! Bring your kids by to pet or hold a chicken, or to collect eggs, they love it. You can see the Chicken “Brownstone” house Billy the boyfriend built for them. They all stroll into their home at dusk to go to sleep, every day like clockwork. They have electricity – who knows – perhaps they’ll ask for a big screen TV soon too! I have 6 chickens, each day I get 7 eggs. Hmm? I wonder who is doing “double duty”!  We have a chicken whom I have named “HOPE” AGAIN. She is white speckles with black. Very pretty. We always need a little one around here aptly named that. She will be featured in next months newsletter.

I have been contacted by the New Canaan Dog Warden. Seems they had a lost Polish Top Rooster strolling around New Canaan after the storm.  If he is not claimed by the original owner, he will need a new home. He will be coming to stay on Sweet Pea Farm, to try and take up residence with “The Girls”.  He is a GRANDE beauty – we will see if “they” like and accept him.  If not, we will find him a nice farm to live out his days! Stay tuned and see pic!
I have been madly assembling beehives to prepare for the fresh order of bees coming April 9th. More updates next month!

Lastly, Mariah my little Princess, who is my now oldest kitty – 17 is struggling for her life. She has dropped a lot of weight  - now weighs 4 lbs, and is close to death. I am not giving up on her yet, we think she might have an infected tooth – or perhaps more – cancer. I am feeding her with a dropper, have her on anti-biotics, a heating pad, and fluid drip a couple times a week. She is here at Sweet Pea Farm where she is most comfortable as she lives through her perhaps final days. I will keep you posted.

Sweet Pea Farm has a room to rent on the farm. It includes all utilities, storage and garage parking. Call me or email me to inquire further.

Spring is here, get out and enjoy the new season – winter is finally over! Let the fresh sunlight wash over you and cast out the shadows of winter from the deepest corners of your soul!
With love from all at Sweet Pea Farm!
Stacy Murphy

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