
Date: Tues 30, Jul 2007

Well here it is. I have owned the Farm since the end of March!
A couple photos of the farm and it's progress, and all the visitors!
The master bedroom continues to plod along – although this week it has come to a grinding stop. We are waiting for estimates from plumbers and electricians that are affordable.
So, it's hurry up and ………wait.

I continue to order assorted things for the bath and bedroom, such as lights, sink faucets, lights etc. AAAAh yes,the joys of owning a house. Now I am having questions about the well. I watered the grass with the sprinkler, and 12 minutes later, it drained the well. Hmmm, we'll have to look into that…

A couple shots of the new bedroom and bathroom windows that were put in. I sent this email before, but it seems it went into the big black email land hole….

I have been planting new little bushes here and there. Rosie and Willie think it is specifically for their benefit only, and that the newly planted bushes are – well – candy!!!! I have seen Rosie climb up the fence – her front end 4 feet off the ground – sticking her mouth and tongue through the grating of the fence – juuuuust to reach and get a tender little tendril of my NEW PLANTS!!! Stop it, stop it!!!! I yell at her – she looks at me with her long eyelashes – blinks – baaaaaaa??? – she makes me laugh – I can't help it!!!!!! Ohhhh Rosie!……..

I continued with the anti-biotics for Willie. I had spoken with Andy, their Vet, he and I decided this would be a good thing. After owning them for a month, they finally show signs of being strong enough for worming liquid too. So I also had a poopies sample done for testing of worms. It came back positive, but very low!! Good, as ALL livestock have some sort of worms I have found out. So, I gave them each a tiny couple droplets while they were eating. Rosie didn't even notice. Willie, well, now he is better, he is a little fighter. Like a stubborn child, I would cradle his little chin, he would turn his head the other way. "No", he seemed to be saying. Flip, chin went the other direction. "NO". "no", the other direction, looking into the corner of the stall, then out the door, then back at the stall, chin to the ceiling, lips clamped shut. "Awwww Willie, c'mon!" Finally, after much laughing and struggling, I managed to get the correct dosage in him. It was quite funny, wait 'till I trim their hooves…..

I went 1 week without their special order premium grain. This mix is rolled oats, corn, and barley. They love it, and it smells so good, YOU want to eat it! I thought – "No sweat, I'll pick up more at Agway." Uuuhhh…. No. Brought it home, they sniffed it, and walked away. Once they had the good stuff, they didn't want the Agway crap. So, I ordered 5 bags, it's arrived, and Rosie is out there – baaaing as usual, begging for more, even though she just had her usual cup! What a difference! I also hopefully will be getting 20-40 bales of alfalfa hay this week, this has also been a real battle to get – I hooked up a supplier in HICKSVILLE NEW YORK, and they deliver. I hope they come through as I am totally out of alfalfa now.

Still doing backbreaking work, loads to the dump in the trailor, Home Depot on a daily basis, shoveling and bagging hay etc.

Visitors consisted of a construction friend Scott, he stopped by with his Golden puppy and his Black lab puppy, ADORABLE!!!! Even more so than Willie and Rosie, Liz stopped by again with her nephew, and Robbie (in the photo) is my wood flooring guy and overhead beam guy. He owns a lumberjack mill right down the road. He also was the person who told me about Jelwelweed for TOTALLY STOPPING THE ITCH of poison ivy. Seems the Navajo Indians informed him of this. Really interesting, earthy chap, he also is a songwriter! He is visiting with the babies!!
