



From: Stacy Murphy [mailto:hppsco@optonline.net]
Sent: Sunday, November 18, 2007 8:59 PM
To: Abbie Zuidema; alwhitedot@optonline.net; Amy Ferraro; Andrea Hutter; Anne and Luke Williams (burntcove@verizon.net); Anne Davis (annekdavis@hotmail.com); ashby@ashbysedibles.com; Barbera Curry (bcurryjames@optonline.net); Billsmwct@aol.com; rmurc2@aol.com; Brenda Fries; BLARRABEE@aol.com
Subject: SWEET PEA FARM UPDATE 11/19/07


As usual, a lot has been going on at the Sweet Pea Farm! 


2 weeks ago, Moki the cat (one of 5) got crystals in his urinary tract, and became completely blocked, unable to use his litter box. I watched him for a while, then gave him a good dose of olive oil and lime juice mixed in with his food. He continued to be blocked and crying for another hour, so I decided I needed to take him to the Emergency Vet Hospital to have him checked out. I had a friend stop by suddenly, who even though they were allergic to cats, said they would accompany me to the vet hospital . How nice to have someone with me while I went through this stressful time and how nice of them to offer!


Moki, even though he was uncomfortable (poor little guy) never tried to bite or scratch during the entire episode. We went to the hospital, and by the time the doctor got around to seeing him, the lime juice and olive oil must have kicked in, as he became unblocked, all over the table in the back room! Yeeahhh, otherwise it might have been a very long and drawn out, expensive ordeal. He was sent home later with a dietary change. He has been fine since. Moki is still looking for a new home if any of you know of anyone who would like a friendly cat who loves children, plays fetch, and likes to go outside. He does NOT mingle with other pets. 


Later in the week I received an emergency call on my way back to Redding from one of my clients back in New Canaan. A mother and daughter were home alone, and had gone shopping for a couple hours, only to come home and find ONE of their 3 beloved labs (the oldest) had passed away on the front lawn while they were out. They both were quite upset, and asked if I could come help them lift her into their car, as they were unable to do so. I said I would be right there, knowing they really were asking more for emotional support than anything else. I arrived 15 minutes later and we reminisced about the long life of this wonderful lab - I have cared for this family's dogs for over 20 years - 6 generations of dogs, 3 houses, 3 kids, and several grandchildren later.........


The husband arrived home, and he and I gently wrapped their beloved pet in a blankie, and placed her in the back of their SUV to be taken away to be cremated.  On my way back home AGAIN, I received an alarm call at another customers house. I had to turn around, AGAIN, and go to the house back in New Canaan. It was a false alarm, as usual.


The unpacking and decorating elves and fairies have been tirelessly at work - 62 boxes so far have been unpacked -(I counted) and there are still many more to go, but they are still in the basement. You saw a picture of the boxes in the last update - but the last update I sent was very short - it didn't really count - it was a "quickie" and I don't like quickies - plus the "fan club" tells me they want all the info they can get out of these letters!


Crystal and china have been unpacked, shelves, pictures and doo-dads for the walls. All these things have been screwed in the walls, leveled, hung, sorted, washed and placed in assorted locations through out the living and dining room. Rugs have been unrolled and put down. It is like I just moved in 3 days ago, even though I bought the house last March. Due to the flood when I moved in, and the projected construction, I kept all my belongings in the basement and garage. Now they are appearing back in my life for the first time since I moved! Unpacking all this stuff reminds me how much silver, crystal and brass I now need to polish. Many of you can look in the photos and see some of the cherished gifts you all have given me over the years!


I put up the hatch doors in the bedroom and hung the plantation blinds in the bathroom and bedroom. I also put up cedar board in the closets, and the closet shelves and closet poles - wow - that was a b----tch, the shelf unit is over 6 feet tall, and weighs a ton. I had trouble maneuvering it into the closet, as it kept hitting the ceiling. NEVER go by the dimensions on the box. If it says it 83 inches, it's not. It's 83 3/4 inches. My closet is 83 inches. CRAP. So, I had to drag out the sawzawl, and cut it. Bastages - the box said 83 inches - (whine, whine) It is a miracle I am able to physically do all this work again 5 WEEKS AFTER I had a titanium plate put in my shoulder! My recovery is going exceptionally well, and the physical therapist and my surgeon are thrilled! You can see a photo of me with my tool belt on hard at work - (people insisted on a shot)  not very "girly" - but ...........who else is gonna do it?


Bathroom is coming along, still waiting for the glass shower doors – they will come later. Fixtures for the bath will go up this week. Base trim and closet doors will go up next week in the bedroom. So much to do! Can’t wait for the octagon window to be put in the front of the house too – will send pics when that happens!


I decided I had enough of 5 cats and their dominating my life, and things, and countertops, and rugs, and furniture, and bed, and....and...and... - so.-


As by the photos, you can see - we had a major switching around here in the household. Moki, is now in the bird room, he seems to like it, and is fine with the birds. He keeps Harold busy - (the canary)  If you look closely enough in the photo, you can see Moki in his cat tree.


The cat trees by the way - are quite heavy, each one had to be REVERSED in their location in the house. They each weigh over 85 lbs - Moki's was downstairs, and had to come upstairs. The other cat tree was upstairs, and had to go downstairs. WHERE are all these men in my life when I need them?

Anyway, it took quite some tugging, pulling, twisting and pushing, but I was finally (huffing and puffing) able to get the damn things each where they needed to be. There is a picture of the STAIRS I had to push, pull and drag these things up and down.


The other 3 cats, are now given the LOWER level of the house, there is a photo of that room. They are allowed to go into the basement, were their litter now is, - (they think this is cool beans by the way) (Mariah is in my office) The photo shows the room which will be the future location of the walk in bird aviary, and exercise area. The treadmill and weight machine will go in there after a new floor is put down this week. I managed to paint 1 new coat of paint in the entire room after I took this photo. It is Jasmine (Jabba) who is coming out of the basement. The cats will no longer be allowed in the other parts of the house, helping with allergies, hair, my furniture, rugs AND SANITY. The seem happy with their arrangements, as am I.


And finally , the whole reason for the name Sweet Pea Farm, we have our little Sweet Peas - Rosie and Willie! The are quite the characters, Willie clocked me a good one in the back of my knee with his darn horn nubs - OUCH - I now have a nice bruise to show for it - I saw him making a game out of it and lifted my foot flat as he came charging, head down again. He thunked himself in the head with the flat of my foot. I saw the look of amazement on his face - "OH - HMMM - THAT DIDN'T FEEL SO GOOD"  UUUUUhhhh - don't think I'll do that again" - AND he hasn't. All I have to do now is say "NO", and lift my foot" - yeah - we'll see how long that lasts...... 


Willie - woo-woo as I fondly call him (my little walking sweater-man) - is finally appearing to be better - I saw him FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME - leap into the air, kicking and bucking up his heals in utter delight, celebrating the crispy cold air and feeling "fine"! It made my heart soar, and brought a tear to my eye, as he has been so sick, for so long, ever since I got the little guy, and almost having died 2 months ago, it has been a long haul indeed. He is a very happy boy now, and I am thrilled, totally thrilled to see it. His little horns are growing, and I have decided to leave them alone, as they were supposed to not grow. I decided little Willoughby Samuel has been through enough, and deserves to be pain free and happy in his young 9 months of age.


Rosie, Rosie, Rosie. She is quite the PRINCESS. I have another client who has miniature sheep, she calls them Sheeoples, and I now understand why. They are little people in sheep's clothing.  Rosie has grown her full long tendrilled fluffy coat, and she is very proud of it. She prances and dances around the meadow, letting it puff, and fluff and flounce as she bounces around. "Look at me, look at me, LOOK at me - I am so preeeetttty" she baaaas away at anyone and everyone who will hear. Or not.


She is baaaing incessantly, I hear her at 5:30am, baaaaing. MMMMMMaaaaa,MMMMMMaaaaa she seems to say. "Yes Rosie, What Rosie, I hear you Rosie" - every time I go outside, every trip to the garbage, every time I go to the garage, every time I go to the car, every time someone comes over, every time I come home, Rosie baaas. If I don't pay attention to her, she baas again. If that doesn't work she will climb the fence with her front hooves, as you can see in the photo. If I STILL don't respond to her in the fashion she desires (just like her mommy) she will start to eat my roses or any other plant I have PURCHASED just to piss me off. Willie has taken up the same behavior, so I now have BOTH of them reaching through the fence with their long tongues, eating my plants, until I relinquish and BRING THEM FOOD.   Children, they are just like children, and I love them!

Pictures of them hamming it up, as usual – Willie is the one with the 3 leaf clover pattern on his nose!


My poor little MINI Cooper will be fixed this week. I was so mad, it took me about a week to calm down about the entire ordeal. I had just gotten the car back after the stupid 92 year old woman had hit it, had it detailed the day before, and it got hit less than 24 hours later from being detailed. I would calm down, see the door on the car, and get mad all over again! It's metal, and it will be fixed.


Hopefully, a calmer, more peaceful time will be ahead for everyone. Thanksgiving is this week, happiness and love to all from Sweet Pea Farm!






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